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Biological and Health Sciences Division,

Room B213, (847) 543-2042


HWP 160 Yoga I

(0-2)           1 Hour

(Previously PED 160) This activity course introduces students to the art and science of yoga. Emphasis is placed on basic yoga

postures (asanas) and accompanying breathing techniques commonly found in Hatha Yoga and other styles. Students will experience many benefits including enhanced muscle tone, flexibility, and relaxation for the body and mind. HWP 160 and KIN 160 are cross-listed. (1.1)


HWP 240 Contemporary Health Issues

(3-0)           3 Hours

This course is a survey of issues related to holistic health as they pertain to personal growth and quality of life. Emphasis is placed upon behavioral changes and strategies for lifetime wellness. (1.1)

Prerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness


HWP 257 Health and Wellness Practicum I

(0-5)           1 Hour

This course will introduce students to the process of structured field observation. Opportunities will focus on careers in health and wellness promotion. Regular contact time with an instructor will also be provided. (1.2) Prerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness

Course fee


HWP 258 Health and Wellness Practicum II

(0-5)           1 Hour

This course will introduce students to supervised competency- based practice in health and wellness. This on-the-job training in the greater Lake County area provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate acquired skills and knowledge and to continue to develop as a professional. Included will be group seminar sessions with other students and regular meetings with the CLC instructor/ supervisor. (1.2)

Prerequisite: HWP 257 (C or better) and Consent of Instructor

Course fee

HWP 260   Sport and Exercise Nutrition

(3-0)           3 Hours

This course will introduce students to the relationship between fundamental nutrition principles and sport and exercise science.

The efficacy of performance-based dietary supplements and related ethical issues will also be explored. (1.1)

Prerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness


HWP 280 Introduction to Complementary and Integrative Health Care

(3-0)           3 Hours

This course provides an introduction to the theoretical and applied evidence-bases for complementary and integrative health and medical practices. Students will explore the etiology, scope-of-practice, and efficacy of natural products, mind and body practices, and other complementary health approaches. This course is well-suited for aspiring and current health care professionals as well as transfer students interested in their personal health and well-being. (1.1)

Prerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness


HWP 290 Principles of Wellness Coaching

(3-0)           3 Hours

This course will explore the six dimensions of contemporary health as they specifically apply to the wellness coaching continuum. Theoretical coaching constructs will be introduced and practical application will be

encouraged through a variety of class activities. (1.1)

Prerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness


HWP 299 Special Topics: Health and

Wellness Promotion

(Variable) 1-4 Hours

This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth study of special topics in health and wellness. Course content and requirements will vary depending on the topic studied. Additionally, this course may be taken up to four times for credit toward degree. (1.2) Prerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness

May be taken four times, but any topic only



2022-2023 CLC Catalog