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Solid State Electronics

This course is an introduction to semiconductor devices and their applications. Operating principles and characteristics of diodes, transistors, JFETS, MOSFETs and thyristors are discussed. Transistor models using the h and r parameters are covered....


Electronic Lab Techniques

An introduction to electronic measurement techniques, the identification and testing of electronic components, and Ohm's law and power law. Lab safety concepts, proper use of basic laboratory equipment such as oscilloscopes, DMM, power supplies, freq...


Intro Renewable Energy Sources

This course provides an overview of renewable (essentially carbon-free) energy sources with an emphasis on Solar, Wind and Geothermal technologies. Students will acquire an understanding of various renewable energy systems and their underlying physic...


DC Circuit Fundamentals

Topics include definition of voltage, current, resistance, conductance, and power. Also includes Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws as applied to series, parallel and series-parallel circuits. Calculation of power dissipation, use of voltage and current div...


DC Analysis-NetworkTheorems

Introduction to network theorems and solutions, to include Thevenin's Theorem, Norton's Theorem, Mesh analysis, Nodal analysis, Superposition and other analysis techniques.


AC Fundamentals

Introduction to AC circuit fundamentals. Study of circuitry consisting of AC sources, resistors, inductors, capacitors and transformers. Course material covers, reactance, impedance, vectors, current and voltage phase relationships, apparent and reac...


AC Analysis & Circuit Theorems

AC network theorems and solutions, to include Thevenin's Theorem, Norton's Theorem, Max Power Transfer Theorem, Mesh analysis, Nodal analysis, superposition and other analysis techniques. Series and parallel resonance will also be included with discu...


Circuit Analysis Network Ther

This course introduces students to DC and AC analysis with network theorems, including Thevenin's Theorem, Norton's Theorem, Max Power Transfer Theorem, mesh analysis, nodal analysis, branch analysis, superposition and other analysis techniques. Pass...


Adv Solid State Electronics

This is a continuation of EET 113 with an emphasis on the development of frequency response characteristics of operational amplifiers, open and closed loop response, negative and positive feedback, active filters, oscillators/timers, voltage regulato...


Electronic Communications Syst

Principles of operation and design of electronics equipment including radio fundamentals, radio receivers, transmitters, antennas and transmission of RF energy. Digital communications will be covered.


Microprocessors I

Introductory course in microprocessors dealing with hardware and software. The Pic micro controller will be used as the target processor. Hardware configuration including CPU, Memory, I/O, and Assembly language programming with the PIC 16F84 instruct...


Introduction to Digital Electr

(Formerly EET 213) This course covers principles of operation, performance, and design of digital circuits and digital instrumentation. Number systems including binary; Boolean algebra and the application to digital logic; combinational and sequentia...


Introduction to Digital Electr

This course covers principles of operation, performance, and design of digital circuits and digital instrumentation. Number systems including binary; Boolean algebra and the application to digital logic; combinational and sequential circuits; digital...


Electrical Machinery

Principles of design and construction of many types of motors and generators including servos, synchros, motor and generator control circuits, and industrial application. Course oriented to troubleshooting and repair techniques. NOTE: ELC 114 is reco...


Special Topics in Electrical/E

This course will provide students with more information about specialized topics in areas of analog or digital electronics, telecommunications, industrial controls, system design software or related topics. Note: Topics will be identified for each se...

2022-2023 CLC Catalog