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Introduction to Engineering

This introductory, freshman-level Engineering Transfer course introduces students to the different fields of engineering using case studies and guest speakers from the various engineering disciplines. Students are prepared for success in college and...


Engineering Design Graphics

This is an introductory course in the Engineering Transfer and Engineering Technology curriculum. The course emphasizes the use of graphical communication for engineers, designers and drafters to communicate technical ideas in the context of the eng...


Descriptive Geometry

Graphic representation and solution of spatial problems involving points, lines, planes, intersections, revolutions and developments. Student must furnish basic required equipment.NOTE: Prior completion of engineering graphics (EGR 121) or equivale...


Engineering Statics

This course covers analysis of static structures for engineering transfer students. Topics include particle statics, general principles and force vectors, rigid body equilibrium, moments of inertia, distributed forces and centroids, analysis of struc...


How to Make Almost Anything

This course provides an introduction to the digital manufacturing and prototyping technologies commonly used in engineering design today. It is based on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) course by the same name that started the "fab lab...


Mechanics of Materials for Tec

This course covers mechanical and physical properties of materials appropriate to the design of engineered structures including frames, machines and buildings. It includes analysis and design of structural joints, torsional shafts, beams and columns...


Statics & Mech of Mat for Tech

Analysis of forces on structural and mechanical systems: resultants of force systems; algebraic and graphical conditions of equilibrium of force systems; analysis of forces acting on members of frames, trusses, etc.; forces due to friction and proper...


Engineering Mech of Materials

This course is an engineering study of the elementary mechanics of deformable bodies/strength of materials. The course includes analysis of: the elastic and inelastic relationships between external forces acting on engineering structures and the stre...


Engineering Dynamics

This course introduces students to particle kinematics (rectilinear and curvilinear); Newton's laws; energy, work, and momentum methods; planar dynamics and rigid bodies; rigid body kinematics; impulse and momentum; and vibrations. Application to eng...


Introduction to Circuit Analys

This course will introduce circuit analysis at the engineering level. It will include the standard analysis tools such as nodal analysis, mesh analysis, Thevenin's and Norton's theorems and superposition. Impedances are defined and AC steady state...


Special Topics in Engineering

This course addresses the in-depth study of special topics in engineering that do not have specific courses in the catalog. Course content will vary depending on the topic being studied. Topics may be drawn from any of the various engineering discipl...

2022-2023 CLC Catalog