Biological and Health Sciences Division,
Room B213, (847) 543-2042
KIN 121 Individual Activities
(0-2) 1 Hour
(Previously PED 121) This course provides instruction and participation in one of numerous athletic, fitness, and wellness activities. Choices may include Total Fitness, Strength Training, Aikido, Hapkido, Tai Chi, and various group exercise classes. Consult the class schedule for sports offered during a particular semester.
Note: No more than four credit hours earned in KIN 121 and/or KIN 127 counts toward
an associate degree. Enrollment attempts beyond this limit will result in an error message indicating non-enrollment. See Center for Personal Enrichment for non-credit classes. (1.1)
Prerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 235 or higher OR CLC English Placement Test Score of 450 or higher OR ELI 103 (C or better) OR ELI 104 (C or better) OR ELI 110 OR College Reading and Writing Readiness
Course fee
May be taken four times for credit toward
KIN 123 Team Sports I (Variable) 0.5-1 Hour
(Previously PED 123) Group instruction in a variety of team sports, including techniques of play, strategy, and rules. Provides group
instruction and experience in a variety of team sports. Emphasis on participation. Sports offered include basketball, volleyball, softball, and baseball.
See class schedule for sports offered during a particular semester. (1.1)
Note: No more than 1 cr hr earned in KIN 123 will count towards an associate degree. Enrollment attempts beyond this limit will result in an error message indicating non-
enrollment. See Center for Personal Enrichment for non-credit classes.
May be taken twice for credit toward degree
KIN 128 Introduction to Recreation
(3-0) 3 Hours
(Previously PED 128) This course is designed to introduce the student to the historical and philosophical aspects of recreation and the factors that influence use of leisure time. The nature, scope, and importance of recreational
activities in a school and community setting are covered along with program development for the various age groups.
Note: Students will spend lab time in local park districts during the second half of the semester. (1.1)
Prerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness
KIN 160 Yoga I
(0-2) 1 Hour
(Previously PED 160) This activity course introduces students to the art and science of yoga. Emphasis is placed on basic yoga
postures (asanas) and accompanying breathing techniques commonly found in Hatha Yoga and other styles. Students will experience many benefits including enhanced muscle tone, flexibility, and relaxation for the body and mind. HWP 160 and KIN 160 are cross-listed. (1.1)
KIN 220 Physical Education in the
Elementary School
(2-2) 3 Hours
(Previously PED 220) Designed specifically for classroom teachers, teacher aides, and elementary physical education majors.
Curriculum, materials, and progression
of activities in elementary school physical education is discussed, demonstrated, and practiced.
Note: Students will spend lab time in local elementary schools during the second half of the semester. (1.1)
Prerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness
KIN 221 Introduction to Physical Education
(3-0) 3 Hours
(Previously PED 221) This course is an introduction to the professional field of physical education. An understanding of the role of physical education in the total education program. A study of the objectives of physical education with emphasis on physical fitness and social development. (1.1)
Prerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness
KIN 228 First Aid/CPR (2-0) 2 Hours
(Previously PED 228) This course is designed to prepare citizen responders with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond to emergency and first-aid situations. First aid, CPR, and AED for adults, children, and infants are included
in this course. Students will be eligible to take national certification exams upon successful completion of each respective content area. (1.1)
Prerequisite: ELI Accuplacer score of 235 or higher OR CLC English Placement Test Score of 450 or higher OR ELI 103 (C or better) OR ELI 104 (C or better) OR ELI 110 OR College Reading and Writing Readiness
Course fee
KIN 229 Experience in the Out-of-Doors (Variable) 1-3 Hours
(Previously PED 229) Extends the classroom into the out-of-doors. Outdoor experiences are provided in a variety of natural areas through field trips. Instructional emphasis is placed on how to move through these areas with minimum environmental impact and how to live within them through various outdoor activities such as camping and hiking.
Note: No more than 3 credit hours may count toward an associate degree. (1.1)
Course fee
May be taken twice, but any topic only once
KIN 242 Philosophy of Coaching
(Variable) 0.5-3 Hours
(Previously PED 242) This course is a study of the essential elements of coaching men and women and boys and girls. It emphasizes the development and analysis of various coaching styles and philosophies, development of individual and team objectives, methods of coaching organization, and various motivational techniques. As such, the course will serve to prepare the student for all aspects of coaching aside from the technical aspects of the particular sport. (1.1)
Prerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness
Course fee
May be taken four times, but any topic only
KIN 243 Theory and Practice of Fitness
(1-2) 2 Hours
(Previously PED 243) This course introduces students to basic scientific and applied concepts of fitness as well as provides regularly scheduled opportunities to develop their health and functional fitness capacities. (1.1) Prerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness
KIN 250 Introduction to the Rehabilitation Aide
(2-1) 3 Hours
This course introduces students to the foundational knowledge, skills, and abilities required to work as a physical or occupational therapy aide. Topics include terminology, patient care and communication, evidence- based modalities, therapeutic exercise, and facility operations. (1.1)
KIN 270 Biomechanics and Kinesiology
(3-0) 3 Hours
(Previously PED 270) This course will introduce students to the science of musculoskeletal human movement. Fundamental biomechanical principles and functional movement capabilities of each major joint will be examined. (1.1)
Prerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness
KIN 271 Exercise Physiology
(3-0) 3 Hours
(Previously PED 271)This course will explore the study of human function as it relates to responses and adaptations resulting from physical activity and exercise. Systemic interactions and cellular changes during and after activity will be examined. (1.1) Prerequisite: College Reading and Writing Readiness
KIN 272 Exercise Testing and Prescription
(3-0) 3 Hours
(Previously PED 272) This course will prepare students to screen, stratify risk, and assess health-related physical fitness. Principles of effective and meaningful exercise program design will also be explored. (1.1) Prerequisite: KIN 270 and KIN 271 (both C or better)