Program Overview
Cybersecurity CertificateBusiness and Social Sciences Division, Room T302, (847) This certificate program will prepare students to protect businesses as well as other institutions that currently use electronic commerce from malicious cyber-attacks and data theft. Managing information security is achieved through confidentiality, data and system integrity and availability. The certificate is based on information security concepts, principles, methods, techniques, practices, and procedures that guide today’s IT security professionals. This program prepares graduates to become employed as Cybersecurity Specialists, Security Analysts, Vulnerability Analysts, and Firewall and VPN Specialists. Course work includes foundational courses in network operating systems and network automation. This is followed by the coursework in the cybersecurity field, so students understand and know how to look for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems. The certificate is designed for professionals returning to upgrade skills or students who are interested in obtaining employment skills in IT security professions. The certificate can be completed as a student progresses through the CIT AAS degree program with the specialty option of Network Administration and Cybersecurity. After completion of this coursework, the student will be prepared to take certification exams for Security+, Linux+, C|EH, CySA+, and Cisco Cybersecurity Cyber Ops. Recommended Plan of Study
^ The credit for CLC 120, College Success Seminar, is an institutional requirement for graduation. It is not part of the program requirements but must be completed with a D or better.
For more information on recommended courses or program specific advising contact your Academic Success Advisor or the Business and Social Sciences Division at (847) 543-2047.